Sunday, September 14, 2008


Well, I (Becca) suppose it's time for a quick update.

Ike sent us quite a bit of wind, but nothing serious. There were places in southern Orleans Parish and Jefferson Parish that flooded, though, and they need prayers. It was so windy that school was canceled in Jefferson Parish (where I teach) on Friday. It was a blessing for me, though, considering some changes I needed to prepare for...

On Thursday the other 5th grade teacher, the 4th grade teacher, and I were called into the principal's office. Even as a teacher, I felt like a guilty student who was trying to remember what I had done that deserved a trip to the office...Our principal announced that due to the lower than expected numbers, we had to combine the 5th grade classes into one class. Wow. I am to teach this new class of 28 students, and the other 5th grade teacher will fill another position at the school. I will now teach all subjects except Social Studies. The 4th grade teacher and I will trade classes for Social Studies and Science. This means that I have twice as many students to manage at a time as well as twice as many lessons to plan and papers to grade. It will be an adjustment, but I'm just thankful that we all still have jobs. I was the last one hired, and could easily have been fired.

I must go to bed now. Tomorrow will be a long day. Kyle promises to update soon...I'll keep reminding him;)

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