Thursday, November 22, 2012


for a Father who gave His son,
for the Son who lived perfectly to save me,
for the Spirit who helps me daily.

for a husband who loves me and gets me water at night so I don’t have to get out of bed.

for a son who lights up my life and makes me laugh,
for the humbling experience that parenthood is each day.

for parents who love me enough to drive 12 hours just to spend a few days with me, and  who love the Lord enough to rescue a child from an orphanage in Russia and make her part of the family someday soon.

for my big brother who is serving us all as he works long days in Afghanistan.

for my niece who is so sweet despite it all.

for my 4 sisters-in-law, I always wanted a sister, and with these I hit the jackpot!

for my in-laws...I couldn’t ask for a better second set of parents.

for my Church and its pastors,
for the way they follow the Lord with diligence and humility.

for friends across the miles who never forget and know the whole story of my life.

for friends across town who hold me accountable and make me laugh until my sides hurt.

for my job where I get to work with committed teachers and administrators, students who are eager to learn, and for the money it brings.

for the provision and blessings the Lord has given us,
for a home,
a yard,
for meeting our needs and wants in such a way that we can be a part of meeting the needs of others.

for the holy mission he has given us: to adopt a child from Azerbaijan,
for the blessing of another child to love and raise,
for those who have already come alongside us to provide emotional and financial support as we adopt.

But please understand.  I am not simply thankful to the universe.  I am not only thankful in my heart.  I KNOW who gave me these blessings.  I know that there is a person who holds my life in his hands.  He holds the good, the bad, the ugly.  He is the giver of all good gifts.  He is the one who sustains us though the difficult times.  He is the Lord, yesterday, today, and forever.

Father in heaven, please hug our little one today, wherever he or she is, whatever he/she is doing.  Since I can’t hold my sweet one, please do it for me.  As we play with Matthew and enjoy the holiday with him, comfort my sweet child.  And tell my little one that Mommy and Daddy are coming.

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