Thursday, January 2, 2014

All Mixed Up

We have been on a little bit of an emotional roller coaster lately.

Stress...tying up loose ends at school and church, Christmas parties, buying gifts, cleaning, Christmas parties, packing, Christmas parties...

Excitement...Christmas with a two year old!  Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.

Peace...Understanding the true meaning of Christmas.  Reading about Christ's birth in the Bible.  Attending the Christmas Eve service.

Sadness...looking at the extra stocking hanging above our fireplace...wondering if our little one will be home for next Christmas.

Disgusted...Matthew vomited all over the car and even in Becca's face.  Nope, not exaggerating.  FACE.

Exhausted...A 10 hour trip to Alabama on Christmas Day.

JOY!!!Meeting my newly adopted sister for the first time.  Hugging her, talking to her, playing with her, eating with her, catching up on almost 9 years of lost time.

Happiness...Spending time with family and friends for an entire week.

Exhaustion...A 15 hour trip back to Virginia by way of North Carolina (happiness seeing more family).

Sorrow...hearing of my (Becca) Memaw's death on New Years Day.

Exhaustion...unpack, laundry, dishes, buy a black dress, more laundry, text family, laundry, call family, laundry, move doctor appointment, email bosses, find someone to take nursery duty, fold laundry, haircut (best part of the day...thanks, Brooke!), pick up the munchkin from the fabulous babysitter (that might have been the best part of the day actually...Thanks, Lenora!), pizza, play with trains, fold more laundry, bath time, bed time, pack, pack, pack

I am not looking forward to another 10 hour trip tomorrow, followed by the return trip on Monday.

I am not looking forward to attending my Memaw's funeral.

I am looking forward to more time with my new sister and my sweet niece, who I rarely get to see.

I am looking forward to seeing my cousins...I think the last time we were all together was 12 years ago, at PawPaw's that right?

I can't wait to meet my...ummm 1st cousin once removed??  (My cousin's kid)

And I will be totally honest with all of you people...I will miss my Memaw, but I believe that she is finally with PawPaw and in a much better place.  For the first time in...a very long time...she is healthy and whole and worshiping God in His very presence.  I can't help but smile, thinking about that.

Sooo, I'm going to sit here on the couch for a little while, pretend to watch the Sugar Bowl, actually watch the snow fall, and let God deal with my jumble of emotions.

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